понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

equipment office open plan responsiblities

Hellllo Monday I was in bed and asleep by 9:30 last night. SCORE

So I had an impromptu date last Friday with this dude named Fred. FRED. Who named their kid Fred? I know who...someone from South Carolina. So Fred is 39, and from S.C. He has the cutest accent ever, and is super handsome in a very adult like way...like heapos;s over 6 feet and has pretty blue/green eyes, but dresses like a cowboy, minus the hat. And he listens to country music...new country...not rad old skool country. He lives in (get this...) Beverly Hills and drives a moapos;foapos; mercedes SUV. These things donapos;t mean much of anything to me, but I find it hilarious that I am dating a rich man. He has a science degree, and sells medical equipment. I didnapos;t know that profession was so lucrative.

we talked all night about art and politics and religion and relationships, and it was nice. We couldnapos;t talk about books or music or film, because we have NO similar interests. Homeboy talked about himself all night long, just how I like it.

now the bad, or not-so-bad part, is that he is looking for "no strings attached" type of relationships. Heapos;s constantly traveling and doesnapos;t really have time for a girlfriend, but wants to have someone for when he is at home. Well. Iapos;m not sure how I feel about that. I apparently suck at relationships, so maybe this would be right up my alley? I enjoy spending time with Fred...he feeds my more mature side...but am I selling myself short? Iapos;ve never been with a man that is so quick to spoil me, and it feels kind of weird. Who knows...I guess weapos;ll see. He leaves today for New Mexico for the rest of the week, so I have time to figure out what I want.

I worked at Necromance on Saturday, and man oh man...let me tell you...GANG WAY when Black Metal Festival is in town. The grody, European, long haired, pentagram encrusted, filthy metal doods abound. The first filthy long hair told me "I hear you sell, thee, uh, human skin and human bones?" OK, YA FREAKY WEIRDO Luckily I was able to send him over to the natural history store, as my store doesnapos;t carry any of that crap. THEN. Nancy always has her whippets, Donner and Darwin, in the store. They are lovely creatures, and never give customers any problems. But this HUGE, nordic looking metal guy came in, and the dogs kept sniffing HIS SHOES. He looked at me, pointed to his shoes, and said "Itz zee blood. Blood on my shoez." and when I looked down, Iapos;ll be damned if I didnapos;t see caked BLOOD on his black leather boots. GROSS GET AWAY YOU FREAKY SATANIC RITUAL PARTICIPANT

In all honesty, the metal dudes may have reeked of B.O. And just gotten out of a black mass, but they were all really nice. The minute one of them asked me for help counting change because he wasnapos;t sure about U.S. Currency, I automatically went into library lady mode and tried to help them as best I could. Smelly, satanic metal dudes from Norway or Denmark or wherever, really arenapos;t that bad if you approach with a soft side.

Sunday I spent with my mama. We chilled, and had dinner at Carrowapos;s (haha), and I came home and crashed. I loved yesterday to pieces.

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